The interdisciplinary nature of the research team is a major prerequisite for the use and application of specific methods and research techniques that in combination with the existing equipment will favor the process of conducting the research and generating new knowledge and new hypotheses. By imposing the interdisciplinary method, the scientific communication between the members of the working team will be a powerful tool for the successful implementation of the objectives and tasks of the project. By applying different research techniques in solving issues and problems in the field of social sciences and humanities, on one hand will be presented views, ideas, knowledge, methods and specific research techniques used by the members of the research team, and on the other hand will be implemented the diffusion of information and generated new knowledge and new hypotheses.
State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) is among the leading educational and academic institutions in Bulgaria that prepare professionals with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various areas of public life. SULSIT sets the strategic objective to prove their identity as a leader in the training in cultural and historical heritage, library studies, print communications, information resources of tourism, communications and information, information technology, public policies and practices, thus stating the desire for full participation in the development and implementation of government educational policies. In recent years, the university has established itself as a leading training center for conducting research in various fields of science. At SULSIT the positive link between the research activities and higher education is built on the grounds of innovation, shared experiences, scientific work, knowledge and skills of each participant in the process of knowledge creating and managing.
Description of available and provided to purchase equipment that will be used in the project:
- Stationary scanner and Photo camera;
- Computer configuration (processor, RAM, video controller, audio controller, network adapter, hard disk, optical device, network interface, interface: mouse and keyboard, software, monitor, etc.);
- Portable computer – (processor, RAM, video controller, audio controller, network adapter, hard disk, optical device);
- Lens reflex camera (sensor, lens, screen, viewfinder, video recording, etc.).
The planned purchases of equipment will continue to be used in the implementation of various activities related to the stages of scientific fieldwork, research and university digital center, which will be established under the project. It will be used as intended and it mostly students and young scientists in the process of their scientific research and development.