Оbjectives, tasks and approaches

The main objective of the project is to generate new knowledge and hypotheses regarding the social processes, the historical destiny and cultural memory of the population in the region of the Southeastern border by carrying out interdisciplinary research in different fields of social sciences, which will contribute to the formation of the national identity.

The team has set the following intermediate goals:

- To stimulate the studies in various fields of social sciences and thus enhance the scientific communication between team members;
- To motivate young scientists, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and students to implement in real conditions the theoretical knowledge acquired during their training, and based on the experience that they will accumulate in natural (actual) environment, to generate new knowledge and new hypotheses;
- To stimulate research in various fields of social sciences, which are directly related to the formation of the national identity;
- To foster the communication and exchange of information, knowledge, experience and good ideas between young scientists, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, students, approved professionals in various fields of science, etc.;
- To contribute to the transformation of the Bulgarian society into "knowledge society";
- To foster the transfer of knowledge and know-how among the participants in the research and others.
- To achieve a high quality of research and innovation, and thus create a suitable environment and favorable conditions for businesses to invest in various scientific developments;
- To create a single database of the results from the research that will exist in electronic format;
- To prepare a collective monograph with the research results in which will be published the summarized new knowledge and hypotheses in the form of reports, articles, research communications, etc.;
- To develop a model for practical application of knowledge (album with a hypothetical tourist destination);
- To create a single integrated system for performing research, based on the principle of "learning by doing" that brings together the knowledge, methods and experience of scientists, specialists, young scientists, PhD students and students.


The use and application of interdisciplinary approaches in research will induce the diffusion of information and new knowledge;
- The prospect of the use of the team approach will contribute to the implementation of so called Interdisciplinary approach focused on the study of social and cultural processes in the region of the south-eastern border with Turkey. Thanks to this approach will be presented views, ideas, knowledge, methods and specific research techniques used by the members of the research team;
- Combining the skills of many scientists: science theorists, archaeologists, ethnographers, folklorists, IT professionals, bibliographers, experts in the field of communications and information, cultural heritage, historians of new and modern history, young scientists dealing with different aspects and problems of the national security and others;
- With the implementation of modern approaches to the diffusion of information and knowledge will be presented the views, ideas, knowledge, methods and specific research techniques used by the members of the research team.